
Fate alter ego
Fate alter ego

fate alter ego

This extra boost can make all the difference.

  • Aerial Drive / Golden Sumo / Holy Night Supper / Partake with the King: By boosting Okita’s starting gauge to 50%, she can get her Noble Phantasm ready with basic supports and her own charge skill.
  • If one needs an easy-access Noble Phantasm, Starting Gauge CEs could also work. If she cannot, Critical Damage CEs provide the best bang for her buck, boosting her common Critical Hits to a higher level. With a 30% charge at max, Okita benefits the most from Mixed Damage / Starting Gauge CEs provided she can get 20% extra charge from support Servants. This skill is a double-edged sword as either the Noble Phantasm buff is wasted for survivability, or the survivability is wasted for Noble Phantasm damage.
  • Boundless A provides Okita with a one-turn Noble Phantasm buff and a 1-time 3-turn evasion.
  • Masters can also opt to activate this on the turn they wish to unleash Critical damage as the charge remains through the fight, although in most cases the Star Gather boost is secondary to the NP charge in usefulness. As a 30% charge provides far more utility than 28%, Masters should level this to max and level it first.
  • Persistence B is Okita’s NP charge skill, and also provides a turn of increased Critical Star gathering.
  • As this affects more cards than Boundless, level this second. The cooldown reduction to 6-turns may be worth considering for longer fights, but if Masters are short on supplies they can get away with leaving this at level 6-9.
  • Kyokuchi A is Okita’s primary sustain steroid, boosting 4 of her 5 cards (all except her single Arts card) as well as her NP.
  • The only one which must be raised to max is Persistence, as a 30% gauge boost provides much more utility than a 20% (allowing for a 50% starting gauge CE, a Helena/Merlin, and a self-charge to reach 100%). Okita’s skills are for the most part vanilla, and can be raised in order of effectiveness.

    fate alter ego fate alter ego

    However, she is a great choice when faced with a multi-class Cavalry node with her Buster AoE Noble Phantasm. Overall, Okita tends to suffer from her class typing by not being the ideal choice for mono-class nodes, as well as being relatively fragile.

    fate alter ego

    She also suffers from some durability issues with one of the lowest 5-star HP values, while also not benefiting from class damage resist (receiving 1x damage instead of 0.5x in almost all cases) and only having a 1-hit 3-turn evasion to survive on. On the flip side, Okita is an Alter Ego who receives a 1.5x boost to damage against Cavalry classes instead of the 2x other Servants with single-class advantage receive, so she has much less usage against single-class nodes. Her Independent Action A gives her a decent bump in damage when she does land a Critical Hit, but one of her main strengths regarding her critical potential comes from just how many stars she can generate with her 5-hit Quick card. She also has a very nice 30% NP charge on Persistence B, which will also give her a turn of increased Critical Star gathering. To start with, she has one of the highest attack stats of the game, and further boost that with Kyokuchi A ’s boosts to Quick and Buster cards for 3 turns, and Boundless A, which provides a more uncommon NP strength boost. Okita has wonderful potential as a damage dealer, which is her main strength. With her high hit counts and a decent Buster AoE Noble Phantasm, she is a welcome addition to teams, particularly when her Alter Ego class proves useful, such as mixed Cavalry nodes. If this were to happen, Suzume would qualify as either a Saber-class or Berserker-class Servant, with a focus on combat abilities and an absence of smithing skills.Answering the question all Shinsengumi fans asked, the Counter Force has decided to recreate Okita as an Alter Ego to represent who she could have become without tuberculosis, with all the daishouri still around for her victories.She can be summoned as a surrogate for her grandfather, however. Suzume cannot be summoned normally as she is not a proper Heroic Spirit.After the target fails against the sword once, all other attacks Suzume makes on them continues to reduce their maximum hit points. Upon failure, the target reduces their maximum hit points by the damage roll. The target must make a Constitution Saving Throw. Juuchi Yosamu (C Rank Anti-Unit) Suzume wields a cursed sword that has the ability to inflict permanent damage on her opponents.

    Fate alter ego